BCS Europe – what is the obsession with Data? – RTC News

Data, data, data

It seems that everywhere we look in society, we are obsessed with data. Data collection, data privacy, data security, data management. Our computers collect data around everything we do online (oops!), our supermarkets collect data on what we eat, and our smartphones want to know where we are at all times. Since when did something so intangible become so important in our daily lives?

The construction industry has always been obsessed with data in some form, but never in a cohesive and collaborative way. Never before have we cared what data is collected by other project stakeholders, nor how they store and access it. We all seem to take the line,

“If I don’t need it, then it is irrelevant to me!”

This is undoubtedly changing, and potentially this change will not come voluntarily from inside the industry but forced on us from outside. More and more people apply value to data, and this value drives demand. Demand for seemingly insignificant information, but in…

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