Generative Design Makes a Great Design Assistant

You can use Autodesk’s generative design technology in Fusion 360 today  to assist you in the design process. You will be assisted in finding design options beyond just shape and material optimization as you can consider strength, cost, and materials.

We looked at a design inspired by the famous Elbo chair using generative design. Generative design came up with a design that resulted in 18% less material and 78% stress reduction as well as looking amazing in Fusion 360– and in real life.
Project Dreamweaver
Generative Designed Elbo Chair

You can attend one of the free Autodesk Fusion 360 Generative Design workshops:

Read More about the Elbo Chair Here and download the model Here 

Come see the real chair in the Autodesk Portland office reception area.
Elbo Chair in Autodesk Portland Lobby

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