New Dynamo for ETABS, Dynamo for SAP and Dynamo for Tekla just added to the Dynamo SIMPLEX package

Good news everyone,
I have just finished updating the Simplex package for Dynamo.

The Simplex package has 3 major categories.
This collection of Nodes allow you to do some tasks with Revit including copying
3D families from unopened Revit files to the Current (opened) Revit File and wrapping and unwrapping elements.

This also has the only known set of nodes (has far as I know) that allow you to read text from word (.docx) files

This set of nodes create complex dynamo geometry shapes including the Dynamo Cow. Why? Why not!

These set of nodes allow you to access the databases of 
ETABS version 2016 and this contains over 800+ nodes
If you want to get started using these nodes that first open ETABS 2016 
and use the example to get started. I will post more on these later. This example gets analysis results.
SAP version 19 and this contains over 800+ nodes
If you want to get started using these nodes that first open SAP version 19 first 
and use the example to get started. I…

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