Standards and Specifications – RTC News

There are several different standards within building and construction. For many, the one that seems to bring the most amount of confusion is LOD. There are many different standards and definitions for this not only in each definition, but also in each country, which makes working together on this challenging. LOD may stand for Level of development or level of detail for example. Then there are others that speak about level of information, level of graphic detail and so on. All in different standards and sometimes the standards come from the same country. Also, for some, level of development is related to model elements. To others it relates to the whole element. To some it is related to geometry and to others to geometry and information. So, when a LOD is required, it’s a big mess, because, which LOD are we talking about? LOD stands for different things and when it stands for the same it might have different understandings of what it is. How did this happened? To get a better…

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