Realtime visualization of sensor data from the MX3D bridge

We hit a major milestone with our research into smart infrastructure, this week. After a massive push over the last 3-4 weeks (which in itself was built on work done over several years), we were able to deploy a system that measures – and reports in realtime – the performance and usage of the world’s first 3D-printed steel bridge.

To give you a quick sense of some of the results of this work, here’s an image of Dasher 360 showing the 3D model of the bridge with skeletons walking across it with the bridge’s accelerometer readings displayed as a heatmap. Which can be animated, too, of course. 🙂

Surface-shaded bridge with skeletons on it

I’ve talked various times about MX3D, in the past: most recently in my previous post. Today’s post focuses on Autodesk’s involvement in this incredible project. I also feel the need to make it clear that despite the fact I’m posting a bunch of cool videos on my blog and social media accounts, most of the hard work was really done by others in the team: my role in this was…

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