Revit Family Guidelines: Top 20 Rules for Properly Built Revit Families

Architects, draftsmen, designers, and engineers regularly encounter moments where we need to represent a building component in Revit and we’re faced with a decision. How are we going to represent this product in our Revit drawings?

Should we take the time to model it ourselves (no), use a generic AutoCAD block from the 90s (please don’t), or crawl the deepest corners of the internet hoping we can download it for free?

Google it is. (Or look here) We search, find what we wanted (or something close enough), download and load it into our project. The Revit gods have smiled on us, right? Not yet.

The moment of truth comes next. Is this family we just downloaded going to be built correctly…or is it going to crash our project?

As designers, we can sometimes only hope for the best. But that begs the question: what should we be able to expect for a given component? What are the essential traits, characteristics, and functions of a quality Revit family?

We found our team debating that…

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