Stretcher Bond Hatching in Revit

A few years back I posted a description of how to create a complex custom hatch pattern for Revit – that example was for repeating octagons.  Since then I have often needed to quickly create much simpler patterns such as stretcher bond elevation views for bricks, blocks and tiles.  The Octagon pattern was quite complex and it still takes a while to get your head around the logic – so here is a much easier to follow set of examples:

Pattern Definition Format

The pattern file is a text file, saved with a ‘.pat’ extension.
Definition of units (important for metric):

Each pattern definition has an * prefixed header :   a title and description separated by a comma
      *Stretcher 400×200,   400mm x 200mm stretcher bond
Drafting or Model definition:
Each line repeat (in the pattern) is described in one row of text, with comma delimited format.  eg:
0,     1200, 1000,         0,  1000,       400,  -1500

  • Angle  = angle of…

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