When a Man Loves Revit

Few years ago, the world famous singer, Michael Boltton visited Korea to have his concert. ‘When a Man Loves Woman’ is one of his great hits.

I love Revit. But, sometimes I almost forget it while I struggle with technical issues in busy projects.  So, I do some useless works when ever I realize it.

What do you imagine when you think about LOVE? There can be a lot of candidates, But nobody can deny that flowers should be one of the strong ones. Especially ROSES

So, I decided to give a rose to Revit to prove my love for her. (Please don’t tell my wife)

Do you love Revit? If so, try it.

At first, I found it that roses have almost irregular membrane structure. What makes roses look like roses?

1. Rose Petal

Above is petals when its not bloomed. They are all cupped yet.

After bloomed, it goes out-bent  from outside edge like above picture.

1. Petal Profile

So, I created a track for section profiles to simulate above like this.


Profiles for a petal can be…
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