CorelCAD 2019 is launched with some exciting features

CorelCAD 2019 is launched with some extra 3D modeling tools and 3D printing capabilities along with supplementary STL support. The 3D modeling feature in CorelCAD becomes superior with the inclusion of Push and Pull editing and other tools for developing more advanced 3D solids.

CorelCAD 2019 also provides support for STL that facilitates 3D access to 3D printing files along with content accessible from sites like SketchFab and Shapeways.

Given below, the details of new features :-

1. New 3D modeling: With the inclusion of PolySolid, it becomes easier to draw 3D objects in the shape of polygonal walls. By applying Push and Pull tools, the users get the ability to include depth with extrusion. The new version also contains ChamferEdges for beveling as well as new face and loop options. CorelCAD provides support for helix to generate 3D models around a cylindrical shape and support for 3D primitives to be included and edited with Boolean operations.

2. Greater 2D drafting tools:…

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