Extracting Civil 3D Data Using Navisworks

Recently we recommended the Properties+ addin for Navisworks which was updated to support Navisworks 2019. In addition to consolidating properties that may exist across different tabs in the properties window, it also provides a straightforward and consistent way to extract information from a model viewed in Navisworks. Recently, we used this method to extract element property information from Civil 3D elements so that we could recreate such elements inside of Revit. This method assumes that it is possible to first extract the location information from within the file or element. In our case the location information (x,y,z) is available as data fields of each element (northing, easting, elevation) when exporting the file as a 3D DWF.  If your purpose is only to extract information, that is definitely a use case that is easier to implement using Properties+. The workflow was as follows:

  1. Export to a Navisworks-friendly file – Open the Civil 3D file (or other file that can be…

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