Dynamo: Python Node to Test For Presence of a Parameter on an Object

We have a Dynamo graph that allows the user to search for a user-specified string in the names of Views and, if found, replace it with a second user-specified string. This comes in handy when someone decides that all of the instances of “LEVEL” in the view names should be changed to “FLOOR”. The graph worked, but would result in an error condition, because there are, apparently, Views that do not have a “View Name” parameter attached to them. Attempting to retrieve the View Name parameter value from all elements of the Views category using an Element.GetParameterValueByName node resulted in this error:

While this did not appear to interrupt the processing of all Views, I would prefer to not have an error reporting (in both Dynamo and Dynamo Player), so that I do not have to explain to others who might use the graph that having that error is “Ok”. I thought it would be simple to construct a BoolMask to filter out the Views without a View Name parameter, and proceeded to try to…
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