Project Rediscover is now available for download

I’m happy to announce that the recreation of Project Discover for Dynamo – what we’ve been referring to as Project Rediscover – is now available for download. I should point out that this is a first cut of the graph, and is definitely going to evolve over time: it’s a complex beast that uses advanced techniques – particularly on the metric calculation side of things – that we know we have to improve over time. But we did want to put this out there as an Alpha (or pre-Alpha) in advance of Autodesk University London 2019 to let people kick the tyres and better understand the principles it demonstrates.

Rediscover graph

Firstly, though, I’d like to give a huge shout-out to Simon Breslav – who did most of the core work on the graph – and to Rhys Goldstein – who worked heavily on the C++ library that’s at the core of the Space Analysis package that the graph uses heavily. Without their hard work this graph would not have happened.

So, without further ado, here’s the link to…

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