The Generative Design for AEC Intensive Residency kicks off in Toronto

Yesterday marked the first day of a very special 2-week event being held in the spiritual home of Generative Design for AEC – at least from Autodesk’s perspective – our new office in the MaRS district of Toronto. (In fairness the spiritual home is probably where The Living work in New York, but the MaRS office is at the very least an important temple. 😉

Over the next fortnight 7 teams from 3 continents – from both industry and academia – will be using Dynamo and Refinery to implement generative workflows at various architectural scales. We’re expecting the participants and the Autodesk team to learn a lot throughout this intensive process.

While I’m not attending the event in person, I will be holding a remote workshop on using Capturefinery on Monday of next week. (The first week is more about “generative thinking” and getting started with implementing Dynamo graphs that work with Refinery, by the second week the teams will hopefully be ready to start…

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