A Residency, a Hackathon and some time off

If I’d been anywhere else over the last few weeks, it would certainly have been the fine city of Toronto.

The first GD for AEC Intensive Residency hosted there wrapped up, with a number of interesting outcomes generated. One has been shared by Isaac Seah on LinkedIn, and it’s well worth looking into the details of how they used Generative Design via Refinery and Dynamo to explore increasing resilience of coastal cities in the face of climate change. It’s very interesting stuff.

Then there was another GD and Dynamo Hackathon held there, once again with the support of Radu Gidei from Enstoa and the UKDynUG. According to Simon Breslav, who participated heavily in both events, the high-energy 2-day Hackathon was a very interesting change of pace from the more quality-centric 2-week Residency.

The Hackathon also resulted in some cool outcomes… Here are the winning teams, with several images borrowed shamelessly from Kyle Martin, who did an awesome job of documenting the event…

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