Using a view cone for targeted visibility in Dynamo with Space Analysis

I feel as though I’ve been neglecting this blog: I’ve barely managed a post a week for several weeks, now: partly because of family holidays, but also because I’ve been heads-down on Dasher 360, working on a number of cool new features as well as shoring up some of our older code. Anyway, the kids are now back at school and I expect to have a lot more to talk about during the remaining months leading up to AU 2019.

For now I wanted to share some information about the Space Analysis package. Today’s post takes a look at a feature that’s been in the public package for some time. In a coming post I’ll focus on some more experimental features that we’re yet to publish relating to acoustics.

This post is about a new visibility-related capability: the ViewCone. This is an object that allows you to perform a more limited visibility analysis within a particular cone of view (i.e. from a point towards a direction with a specified field of view). This is very handy when…

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