Follow best specification practice – or equivalent

At BIM Show Live 2020, as part of the ‘State of the nation’ address, Rob Charlton (Space Group CEO) made the point that quite often what is specified does not get built. This can lead to serious problems.

This point was made by illustrating how a trip to the supermarket can go wrong. Photos from these slides are below…

What was specified

What the client ended up with

This generated a bit of discussion on Twitter. The daily challenge of battling against ‘value engineering‘, but also the valid point that as long as there is a robust change control mechanism, then the same (or even better) outcomes can be achieved with different products for a lower price.

To continue the analogy, maybe the client will prefer Tesco cornflakes over Kellogs cornflakes.

So… how can it be ensured that the client gets the quality that the specifier has specified?

A big part of the answer is for the industry to write better specifications.

Consider the examples below…

1. Or equivalent
In the example below,…
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