Parameter is Missing for Some Types

From a thread at RFO, Aaron explains what’s gone wrong…

Aaron wrote:

“If someone deletes a family that is also the default option for a Family Type, with that Shared Parameter: Yes, the entire parameter gets deleted. It’s terrible behavior, and its been that way for years.

In case I wasnt clear: This is a known issue, and it’s easily reproducible.

  1. Take any Family that uses a Shared Family Type Parameter, that has a default value.
  2. Find the family in the project browser, that is the Family and Type that’s in the default value.
  3. Delete that family from the Project Browser.
  4. After you’ve clicked *DELETE* in the warning, go back to the original Family (the parent family with the parameter).
  5. For JUST the types that had that default value set, that parameter is now gone.

And yes, the instances in your project are hella broken, now.”

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