An update on our post-COVID office layout explorations

For the last few weeks I’ve once again been heads-down on Generative Design-related tasks after several months working almost exclusively on Dasher. I like switching context like this but it can certainly be a little disorientating, at first. Anyway, it’s been really interesting working once again with my friends in the AEC Industry Futures team (the rockstars formerly known as The Living), and with Rhys Goldstein – the designer of the algorithms driving the Space Analysis package – on imagining a tool to help with post-COVID office layouts. Something I speculated about a little while ago, although that was before this project kicked off formerly.

Project Rediscover

As I mentioned before, a great deal of the thinking around this was inspired by Project Discover (and technologically supported by the Dynamo graph and Space Analysis package we created as part of Project Rediscover). This time, however, we decided not to focus on a workflow that involves redesigning floor layouts…

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