The first online AEC Hackathon

Since starting up back in 2013, the AEC Hackathon team has organised 43 in-person events in various cities around the world. This year being “special”, they’ve taken the plunge and set up a couple of online events, the first was held from July 6th-26th while the second will be held from October 9th-25th.

AEC Hackathon online

I was on holiday for the first two weeks of the July event, so could only really participate by presenting a topic during the final week.

AEC Hackathon presentations

Here are a couple of screenshots of me – taken from the session recording, which should still be available on-demand – talking about Project Dasher:

Me talking Dasher

Also me talking Dasher

As I was a bit late to the game – and had quite a bit of work to catch up on after a couple of weeks off – I didn’t end up engaging much in this particular event. From what I can tell things went well, despite the odd unavoidable hiccough that’s inevitable when transitioning from physical to virtual.

I didn’t even have much contact with the organisers, other than chatting with

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