Thank You cough cough


My heart goes out to all of my fellow western united States residents dealing with the concerns and fear due to unknowns and unsubstantiated conspiracies circulating on the internet, and some experiencing the loss of homes and life due to the unprecedented wildfires.

I wanted to thank those that read my previous post about the fires including one that was 1.5 miles from my own home and several sending private offers of assistance and a place to stay if evacuated. Thank you. The evacuation preparation orders for my home have been removed due to some weather changes and hopefully this allows for the hard working heroic firefighters to contain the wildfires. 

There is still a great deal of smoke and one day we were off the AQi scale with a 613 quality making us the worst in the entire world due to the smoke and particulates. At times it smelled so thick of smoke that it was like a fireplace in my house was burning but the chimney damper was closed. I couldn’t even see across the…

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