Top 7 Worst Epic Fails In Revit

Usually, this blog is used to convey ideas and protocols that have been tested and perfected.

That might paint a false picture of what the BIM manager life is actually like. A lot of the time, the processes can be messy. In my 9 years as an architect and BIM manager, I witnessed multiple epic Revit fails. Everything that was supposed to happen miserably failed and the fancy protocols we developed were of no use.

Epic fail #1: The floating floor

The project team arrived in the morning. We were all drinking coffee and chilling while our Revit models were opening. We were all working on a major hotel project with big deliverable in the coming days. Suddenly, an audible sigh of horror emerged from a nearby colleague. A major floor element was floating in the middle of the model. Somebody had moved the floor by…

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