Extending Dynamo with Sol Amour and Jacob Small

Extending Dynamo with Sol Amour and Jacob Small

Come join Jacob and Sol (aka the DynaDuo) as we learn all about how to Extend Dynamo. Maybe the out-of-the-box experience, while awesome, doesn’t quite have everything you need and you want a little more pep in your step. Enter Extensions! Similar to how Packages enable new nodal workflows, Extensions customize your Dynamo workspace and come in two primary flavors; out-of-the-box, which are shipped to every Dynamo install, and user chosen, shipped via the Package Manager.

We will dive into what an Extension is, what ones you can find out-of-the-box, and cover a couple of community created Extensions.

Hint: If you attended “Dynamo Graph Annotations” you would have already seen one of the most popular in action.

Thursday, Jul 1, 2021

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