Revit’s Master Phases: 10 Advanced Tips

A number of advanced phasing strategies are shown in this article, including how to leverage the new double pattern feature of Revit 2019 and the new phasing in view filter added in Revit 2022.

1. Strategy of Using Double Pattern with Phases

Revit’s interface has undergone a few changes since then. Phases have drastically changed in Revit 2019’s update. Double patterns are introduced in it. To make an existing brick wall, you can combine the pattern of the phase with the material pattern in the example below. With a phase graphics override, you can easily represent existing elements without losing the pattern of the materials. In previous versions of Revit, this was not possible.

Fill solids with solid fills and lines with foreground patterns. You will lose graphical components if you set the solid fill as the foreground. Then, you can blend the foreground of a material with the background of an override without losing any information.

2. Shading Property in…

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