SEPP65 solar access analysis with Rhino.Inside Revit

Over the past six years at Parametric Monkey, we’ve generated numerous ways to run solar access analysis for SEPP65 compliance. We’ve experimented with various workflows to find the simplest and most accurate method available. This tutorial will present what we believe is the best method to date – using Rhino.Inside Revit to provide accurate and fast results directly in Revit.


When governments started mandating solar access analyses, such as those prescribed by NSW ‘State Environmental Planning Policy 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development’ (SEPP 65), architects turned to the ‘views from sun‘ method. Setting up an axonometric view parallel to the sun vector made it possible to see which parts of the building were receiving sun. However, the limitation of this method is that it couldn’t tell you how many apartments were compliant. Architects had to jump between various views and guestimate if the areas received the minimum…

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