Frustrated by travel restrictions? Join the last virtual Forge Accelerator of 2021!

The subject is basically a perfect description of my own situation, today, but I thought there might be others out there in the same boat (as it were). I have a feeling that more people will end up being stuck at home over the next few weeks, whether they like it or not.

From my side I was very much looking forward to a trip to the UK, next week, where I’d have had the chance to catch up with my UK colleagues for the first time in-person in probably 2 years. And to join for the team Christmas Dinner, too. I’d even started reaching out to a few customers to set up meetings, as I really don’t want to take a plane these days unless there’s multiple reasons to do so (for the sake of the planet we simply can’t go back to the way things were before the pandemic).

The trip was pretty much completely organised, including catching up with a few friends and family members, when the weekend’s Omicron-related announcements hit the wire.

First was the news from the UK government that…

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