Join the Tandem webinar in March to see the future of Dasher

The Autodesk Tandem team have kindly invited me to join their regular webinar – coming up on March 9th – to talk about the history of Project Dasher and to participate in a more future-centric discussion with Bob Bray and Tim Kelly.

Tandem webinar

Here’s the description of the webinar. Even I want to attend, it sounds so interesting! 😉

From the lens of a software architect, learn why digital twin is key to the future of build

What will it take to win the digital twin race?

Get a front row seat and join our very own Kean Walmsley, software architect for Autodesk Research, to learn about what it will take to stay ahead of the curve and win with digital twins.
Kean is joined by the Autodesk Tandem team as they take you behind the scenes and discuss how we begin to value the importance and full potential of BIM, digital-twins and IoT to embrace the future of build.
Kean’s work at Autodesk Research on Project Dasher, using Autodesk Forge to explore BIM & IoT as well as working on Generative…

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