VASA 0.2.0 is now available

Rhys Goldstein has been busy implementing some new features in the Voxel-based Architectural Space Analysis (VASA) package.

I’ve just published a new version to the Dynamo Package Manager containing the following enhancements:

  • Added “PathModel.GenerateSamplePoints” and “DistanceField.GenerateSamplePoints”, which generate sample points according to an approximate spacing parameter.

  • Added proximity operations (“NearestFilledAlongX”, “NearestFilledAlongY”, “NearestFilledAlongZ”, and “NearestFilledHorizontally”), which find the filled voxel nearest to a point.

  • Added special operations (“AutoCrop”, “AutoSplit”, “DensityMap”, “DensityMapWithWeights”), which automatically crop, split, and create density maps from voxel models.

  • Added new examples (“11-VASA-Path-Density.dyn” and “12-VASA-Sensor-Coverage.dyn”), which demonstrate the new features.

  • Fixed a bug in the fill from point operation, which previously failed to fill an empty region in rare cases.

  • Fixed a bug in the union operation, which…

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