What is OPEN BIM; Why OPEN BIM is the Future of Construction?

OPEN BIM- Introduction?

The construction agencies and firms are going through massive changes ever, their whole processing techniques and workflows are shifting from traditional and outdated methods to more relevant and digital methods.

Being Building Information Modeling (BIM) as one of the principal factors for this massive change, important challenges remain unchanged. Problems like better involvement in the project of different Stakeholders is still a major issue and another issue is how to enable flawless cooperation without affecting the longevity of the data created and distributed throughout the whole world.

Well, the solutions to these problems are OPEN BIM, a global perspective that permits all the Stakeholders to have a chance to actively take part in the project using their own team setup and technologies.

Compared to traditional workflow procedures, OPEN BIM offers a more flexible and convenient way to make their contribution to the project using their own…

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