I’m trying to post several times a week on Linked In.  These are mostly sets of images from my timeline, dating back anything up to 20 years (when I first acquired digital photography.)  The theme as always is the way buildings reflect the culture they spring from (time and place)  Ways of life can be very different around the world. 


There are a few little tricks to help convert snapshots like these into seamless textures using bitmap editing software like photoshop.

Offsets that bring the edges into the centre and back again. Clone brushes to soften out the hard edges along those crosshairs. It takes effort and judgment to do a decent job but I quite enjoy the challenge from time to time.

These images are from my visit to Porto in 2016. Three walls and a floor. Stone is such a wonderful material. Sadly neglected and treated too clinically in much modern work.

The old guys knew how to create surfaces that aged with majesty and grace, embracing the ravages of nature and entering…

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