Can BIM truly improve Building Design and Construction?

Building Information Modeling or BIM has a unique character, like salt. Your project can be viewed from the perspective of a precise 3D model by outsourcing BIM requirements for construction.

COVID times were marked by collaboration and coordination through BIM. A stepping stone to success is BIM, which has transformed pen and paper work into CAD and then digitized construction.

Construction Growth due to BIM

Lots of designers & Architects in construction had not adopted BIM and relied on conventional techniques during the COVID stuck time & all work would have stopped.

As a result of BIM and cloud based sharing, many BIM service providers have progressed with several construction projects. BIM has made onsite monitoring and surveillance possible from the comfort of one’s home.

Structural Design Analysis Necessity

It is also important for structural design analysis to use Building Information Modeling.

3D modeling assists structural engineers in designing,…

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