Create internal elevations with Dynamo

When documenting a building, it is often necessary to generate internal room elevations. Depending on the building typology, this may include all rooms or just those which special finishes or fixings, such as bathrooms. Within Revit, internal elevations can be easily created via View > Create > Elevation. What is nice about this process is that the elevation marker, and its corresponding view, are automatically rotated upon placement so that it is perpendicular to the wall so that the elevation is true.

The problem

The problem with this process is that if walls are orthogonal, best practice is to use a single elevation marker with multiple view indexes enabled to keep the documentation as clean as possible. But suppose this process is used on non-orthogonal walls. In that case, the internal elevation won’t be true and cause confusion. Take a stadium, for example, where there might be numerous radial walls, each of which will require its own elevation marker….

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