Visiting the MX3D bridge in Amsterdam and playing football in Munich

After a really interesting few days in Delft at CAAD Futures 2023, on Friday morning my daughter and I headed to Amsterdam on our way to Munich.

The main goal of visiting Amsterdam was – of course – to visit the MX3D bridge, particularly as it’s due to be decommissioned later this year. (I know, I know: it doesn’t seem as though the bridge has been there long, but the permit was a limited one – appropriate for a temporary art installation – and there seems to have been some resistance to the project from a local heritage preservation group.)

By the bridge

So yes, it was a good opportunity to see it one last time (perhaps the only time for my daughter, as this was her first time in Amsterdam). It’s very likely the bridge will end up being installed somewhere else, of course, and hopefully it’ll be somewhere that’s easier to navigate with children than the red light district of Amsterdam.

The MX3D bridge

After the relative craziness of Amsterdam in the summer, we hopped on a short flight to…

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