Understanding and Planning Customer Journeys & Digital Transformations

Explore the intersection of customer journeys and digital transformation in the AEC and manufacturing sectors. This insightful blog post delves into how technologists, CAD, and BIM designers can enhance customer experiences and streamline processes through innovative digital strategies. Learn about integrating advanced technologies, customer-centric design, and the latest trends in CAD/BIM for improved project outcomes. Perfect for professionals in architecture, engineering, construction, and manufacturing looking to stay ahead in a digitally evolving landscape.

Understanding customer journeys and digital transformations is crucial for technologists, CAD, and BIM designers in the AEC and Manufacturing sectors. These concepts help in aligning and balancing technology solutions with customer needs, competitive and industry trends. Here's a quick overview guide in bite sizes to understanding and implementing these concepts based on my own experience.

Customer Journeys in AEC and Manufacturing

  • Identify Your Customers:
    In AEC and manufacturing, customers can range from project managers, architects, engineers, contractors, to end-users. Understanding who your customers are is the first step.
  • Map the Customer Journey:
    This involves understanding the various touchpoints your customers have with your services or products. For CAD and BIM designers, this could include stages like initial concept/design, modeling, approval/reviews, revisions, final output, exchange/translations, and post-delivery support.

  • Tailor the Solutions:
    Use the insights from…

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