Managing Change During an AEC Digital Transformation

Managing Change During an AEC Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is sweeping through the architecture, engineering, and construction industry, bringing new technologies like building information modeling (BIM), reality capture, AI, XR, digital twins, generative design, cloud, automation, and data analytics. While these innovations offer exciting opportunities to boost productivity and profitability, the process of organizational change can be daunting.

Here are some key steps to help manage change effectively during an AEC digital transformation:

  • Develop a Clear Vision and Strategy
    Start by clearly defining the goals and anticipated benefits of your digital transformation.
    What processes will be optimized?
    What competitive advantages will the changes bring?
    Articulate a compelling vision that team members can rally behind.
  • Gain Leadership Commitment
    Digital transformation requires changes across people, processes, and technology – so it’s critical to have full buy-in and a visible commitment from senior leadership. Leaders…

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