Committee Confessions – Chapter one: A Foreigner In a Strange Land

Hemingway once said that writing was his therapy; it was a way to digest and reflect on his thoughts. So when I woke up this morning with a message from Mili asking for a blog contribution; I, unlike Hemingway, decided it was too early for a drink and went for the therapeutic approach to distill my thoughts as a new member of the European BILT committee.

I have had the pleasure of being part of all RTC conferences last year – and also co-chairing the Building Content Summit. In fact, we had an amazing 2 day talk last week on the future of #BuildConSum last week (maybe that will be my therapy session for the next newsletter); all I’ll tease you with right now, is that we are becoming much more focused on the role of that conference; and I in all modesty say it is going to be outstanding.

This week though, I’ll focus on #BILTEur; we received a record number of abstracts (and that is even when you take the gazillion submissions from Carl Storms out of the equation); and I was…

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