Presentations and awards from the Dynamo and Generative Design Hackathon in London

Dynamo and GD Hackathon

A video of the final project presentations and the awards ceremony from the recent Dynamo and Generative Design Hackathon in London has been posted to YouTube by the UK Dynamo User Group.

Mind the Hack

It’s a great way to get a sense of the various projects at the event, something a number of people have asked me about. I was only really there to help kick things off and answer initial questions about using Dynamo with Refinery to implement Generative Design workflows, so it’s fantastic to see how things ended up.

If you have follow-on questions about the various projects, I suggest contacting the UK Dynamo User Group on Twitter. I’m sure they’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.

While this was the first such Hackathon – one focused on the use of Dynamo and Refinery together – there will be others. One is happening in Melbourne, Australia on May 20-21, 2019 and I’ve already booked travel to come with my family to another just prior to BILT EUR in Edinburgh in October….

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