Meet my mentees – Through the Interface

I mentioned recently that I had the chance to meet with three of my mentees at TechX in New Orleans, two of them for the first time. In this post I’d like to introduce you to my current mentees, and explain why I participate in Autodesk’s mentoring program.

I’ve been mentoring – and mentored – since long before Autodesk had a formal program in place. I was lucky enough to have Jeff Kowalski accept me as a mentee, way back when, and I definitely learned a lot from him (as you might expect). Prior to moving into Reserach, I also had my current manager, Azam Khan, as a mentor, and I can honestly say that without having established relationships with both Jeff and Azam in this way I wouldn’t be in the job I’m in today. Or even in the company, for that matter.

I have a confession to make, though. While being mentored is great, mentoring others is where I’ve learned the most, over the years (something I was reminded of in the recent TechX workshop led by Mickey…

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