14 Tips to Master Topography and Landscape in Revit


Let’s be clear: Revit’s default landscape and site tools are not very good.

Landscape architects and users modelling complex sites often get frustrated by what is offered by Autodesk.

The good news is that the community took things into their own hands, found great workflows, and build amazing plugins to solve issues and pain points with the landscaping features.

This guide wouldn’t be possible without Lauren Schmidt of team Parallax, who shared her knowledge in a recent episode of Revit Pure Live.

Also, thanks to the team at Arch-Intelligence, who created the great Environment plugin which is covered in this post.

This post mostly focuses on topography, roads and curbs. We will cover planting and parking in an upcoming guide.

1- On Simple Sites, Use Floors Instead of Toposurface

Most Revit users use the…

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