BIM Level 2 and beyond – An expense or an opportunity?

It's been a few months since the April start date for BIM Level 2, the UK mandate for using Building Information Modelling on centrally procured projects. What's changed? Well for the majority not a huge amount, those government departments that were already trialling BIM Level 2 have been expanding to other projects, some other departments have made positive noises towards pilot projects and implementation across their portfolio, and others have kept completely quiet. So business as usual then?

Well maybe, but with the EU referendum in the summer there has been short term pain and uncertainty around some projects that will likely cause the government to again look at where they can drive efficiencies across the sector. BIM Level 2 is as relevant now, if not more than it was in April. In October there'll be another milestone date for the initiative with validation becoming a key part of the BIM Level 2 lifecycle for clients, which will lead to deeper integration for those doing it…

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