The 2%

As mentioned yesterday, on Saturday my second son and I got up at the crack of dawn to drive across to the Alpine town of Grindelwald. It’s the third time I’ve made this particular pilgrimage in the last four years (last year I had a conflicting event in the UK) and it’s become something of a rite of passage for my kids: as they turn 10 they come with their Dad and his silly car to meet lots of other people with silly cars.

A fun convoy

The event is the M3W Jungfrau Treffen, organised by Laurens and Rineke, a Dutch couple based in Grindelwald. It’s a meeting for people with Morgan 3 Wheelers: the first year I went there were perhaps 11 or 12, the second year there were 15 and apparently last year there were around 20. This year the number went up to 32 (although in aggregate there were probably a few more, as the event went from Thursday through to Sunday and a few people had to leave early).

32 M3Ws in one place apparently amounts to 1.9% of the total production, to-date. Which…

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