Add-In File Locations

Has it been two months since I posted? Yikes.

Well, I had the need to track down a Revit add-in and I went to the usual spots to find it… but it wasn’t there!

I am used to finding my add-in reference files in one of two locations:

C:ProgramDataAutodeskRevitAddins for add-ins that can be accessed by any user and

C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingAutodeskRevitAddins for add-ins that can be accessed only by the current user

Well, the .addin file I was looking for wasn’t in either of those two spots. It took me a bit, but I ended up finding it in a third location:


Yeah, weird right? It looks like add-ins that can be used by multiple pieces of Autodesk software go here. I had several in there.

So, accessing and messing with the .addin file is not needed that often, but now there’s another place you can go look for it!

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