The civil transformation is here – AU2016


Disrupt the infrastructure status-quo at AU2016

It is not business-as-usual this year at Autodesk University. Sure you will still have plenty of technical tracks filled with the training content you and your teams need to advance your capabilities. You can also attend Open Labs and see what’s new with certain tools – like InfraWorks 360 and Civil 3D. You might be asking, then, what is different? Last year, Autodesk introduced the Future of Making Things; this year, you will see these ideas and concepts in action. We challenged ourselves to help ‘make it real’ and we have done just that – with the help of innovating customers who are breaking ground. It seems most are well beyond the era of documentation; many are well into the era of optimization; and a few pioneers or innovators or [insert your favorite term here] are now trying to take advantage of the technology disruption. We want to join you in these technology discussions and help you experience infrastructure at…

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