Free Tool to Compare Revit Models And Visualize The Differences

This is a very useful addin coded by Matt Mason during a recent Hackathon. Basically, it lets you take a Snapshot of a Revit file at a point in time and save that info to a small database file. It is not saving pure geometry, but a lightweight set of all the useful information about the model, including parameters. Then, when you get a new file, you run the Compare function to compare that snapshot against the current model. Very cool.

Installing Metamorphosis

  1. Clone or download from the Github page
  2. Copy the files to your ProgramData Revit addins folder
  3. Restart Revit

You should get this on your Addins ribbon:

Using Metamorphosis – Taking a Snapshot

  1. Open a Revit model
  2. Click the Snapshot button
  3. Choose a location for the snapshot SDB file
  4. Click Start

Using Metamorphosis – Comparing with an Updated Model

  1. Open an updated Revit model
  2. Click the Compare button
  3. Browse for the snapshot file you created
  4. Tick all of the Categories you are interested in
  5. Click Start
  6. On the resulting dialog, you can browse through…

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