The Best Strategy for a Super Effective Revit Template

Revit template - CBT

The best thing about Revit templates is how much time they can save you. The worst thing about Revit templates is how much time they take to create.

It’s a bit of a catch-22. In order to save time, you need to spend time.

It’s not easy to find that time when you have billable projects to work on and deadlines to meet. Believe me, I know.

And once you do finish the template, how often do you review it and keep it updated? What if you have a project that’s a new building-type? Does your template still work for that kind of building? What if your firm you need to follow an owner’s BIM standard? Can you modify your template to fit their requirements?

The C-B-T Method

Every project is different. Because of that, your Revit templates should not be one-size-fits-all. That’s why I recommend a modular approach to building Revit templates. I call it the C-B-T method.

By C-B-T, I’m referring to Chassis – Body – Trim.

“Wait a minute”, you’re thinking. “Aren’t those parts of a car?”


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