Weekly Roundup – 2017.07 | The BIMsider


The week that was in the world of BIM –  for the week of Feb. 12th – 18th, 2017.

I’m going to start this week’s Roundup off with an interesting post from BIM 42 on some of the cool stuff you can do with the Flux Site Extractor.

Modeling a neighborhood with Flux Site Extractor, GIS data and Revit

This is a very helpful post from Phil-osophy in BIM about BIM content.

Vetting BIM content for your office

What are the keys to unlocking the power of BIM? Find out 3 of them in this post from Redshift.

3 Keys That Will Unlock the Future of BIM in Buildings

Now for the all the news fit to be news from the world of RTC/BILT on the RTC News Blog.

BILTNA Workshop

43 Days to BILT Asia

#Win #Win #Win Your Way to #BILTanz in Our #Goldenticket Competition

Innovation + Plus One?

Committee Confessions – Chapter one: A Foreigner In a Strange Land

Here are this week’s AEC/BIM Podcasts and Vodcasts.


DynamoThoughts E006 Excel…

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