Autodesk Revit: An introduction to Visibility/Graphic Overrides

In this Autodesk Revit tutorial I am going to introduce you to the concept of “Visibility / Graphic Overrides“. If you’d like top watch the video version of this tutorial first, simply click in the box below….




Revit allows you to customise the look of your views in many different ways. The vast majority of the time you will be customising the look of your views using the “Visibility / Graphic Overrides” settings panel. Just before we take a look at those settings, let’s just look at a few reasons why you would want to customise the look of a particular view…

  • You want to highlight a particular category of element: All the furniture components on a “Furniture Plan” for example.
  • You don’t need so see specific categories in a view- i.e. you don’t want to see the structural framework in your “General Arrangement Plan”
  • You want to highlight certain elements in a view- i.e. all the Fire Doors are to be…

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