Charlott Vallon’s Summer Intern Project: Teaching Virtual Robots by Demonstration in Virtual Reality

In an earlier blog post, I mentioned how we had 3 interns working at our Applied Research and Innovation Lab at Pier 9. A few weeks ago, we had our end of intern presentations. I have already shared the story of Jack Reinke and Brice Dudley’s presentation. Here is another story.


Charlott Vallon

Charlott Vallon will start her Ph.D. in mechanical engineering this Fall at UC Berkeley, studying the application of machine learning for personalized autonomous driving systems. She is particularly interested in controls for human-robot interaction and has designed self-fitting exoskeleton components, a voice-controlled robotic companion, smart wearables, and haptic devices for stroke rehabilitation. This is Charlott’s second time interning in the Applied Innovation & Research Lab at Autodesk. In 2013, she spent the summer debugging Fusion 360 and 3D printing speakers and wind-up toys. In her spare time, she likes to run and windsurf.


Charlott worked with Principal…

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