Learn More About the Exhibits at the Autodesk Gallery in San Francisco


The Autodesk Gallery at One Market in San Francisco celebrates design — the process of taking a great idea and turning it into a reality. With about 60 different exhibits regularly on display that showcase the innovative work of Autodesk customers, the gallery illustrates the role technology plays in great design and engineering. I am one of about 80 Autodesk employees who volunteer as ambassadors for the gallery. Years ago, Gallery Curator, Jason Medal-Katz, chose the title ambassador instead of docent because the correct way to address an ambassador is “your excellency,” yet this never happens. Ambassadors conduct gallery tours as a a sideline to their day jobs. The tours provide employees with opportunities to practice public speaking in front of small groups.

Exibits come and go in the gallery. This lets us showcase the latest in technology as well as keep it fresh for repeat visitors. I have blogged about exhibits over the years. I wondered “Of the existing gallery…

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