Salta and the Salinas Grandes

Since the last post, we took a daytime bus – lasting about 4 hours – from Tucumán up to Salta.

Writing a blog post on the bus

This was actually quite nice, although at one point we sped past a traffic accident where I happened to look down into a burnt out car and saw the remains of the driver still in it. (Luckily I was the only one in the family who noticed this.) I admit it shook me quite a bit, especially as I get the feeling that such accidents aren’t all that rare, here. And given the fact we were due to rent a car and drive these exact roads ourselves in a few days. But more on that, in due course… let’s talk about Salta.

Lots of people in Argentina have told us how picturesque Salta is (“Ah Salta! Muy linda!”), so our expectations were perhaps a little high after Córdoba and Tucumán. It’s true that Salta is very pretty when compared with the other cities we’ve been to in Argentina: it has some very interesting old churches and buildings and is much cleaner, too. It’s also a lot…

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