How 5D BIM Improves Efficiencies in Construction Projects

5D BIM digitizes cost estimation process across the construction project lifecycle. Accurate projection of material costs aids better decision-making, reduces risks and keeps projects within budget.

Construction scheduling and cost estimation are critical proceses that ensure construction projects are contained within budget and meet delivery schedules.

5D BIM Advantages

Poor site management, unplanned change orders and inaccurate project estimates are major pain points for architects, builders, cost planners, and estimators, threatening to jeopardize projects.

5D BIM perfects the estimation process by digitizing it. The tool draws on design, cost and schedule data from coordinated BIM models to produce accurate valuations.

“Large projects typically take 20 percent longer to finish than their scheduled time and are up to 80 percent over budget.“

“5D BIM drives 20 % reduction in project life span and material costs.”

Challenges of traditional estimation methods

  • Absence of…

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